Our platform is designed to collect information from many different sources such as cryptocurrency APIs and cryptocurrency exchanges before performing sophisticated analysis to present to our audience. Well so much of our data will be free significant portions of it are chargeable.
This article is very much a work in progress and written more as a guide on how we see charging for access to premium content working in the coming future. As the platform grows we will reduce the amount of free content that we provide but seek to ensure that both premium and freemium users get great benefit from the Crypto Statto platform.
When a report or report metadata is accessed, the member's credit balance is depleted by a certain amount. You can access the current pricing guide within the Service Pricing Info here - My Manager (cryptostatto.com) .
Before covering how the charges are applied we would like to explain how do data is set up for users to access on our platform.
One or more reports can be placed into a category known as an entity. Each report is chargeable and we provide some metadata to help users understand a bit more about the report. We have built our reports to try and capture reports by entities. This means we may show multiple reports within a view. We are aware that this could mean users may be accessing more reports than they need and being charged when the users were not looking to be charged. For this reason the website reports used by members are under review whilst we decide how best to serve this content to ensure they are not unnecessarily charged. We are exploring a different pricing structure when using the website front end.
Our intentions are to give users access to reports that they can run regularly without overburdening our platform whilst our audience receives good information.
For this reason we may be introducing smaller charges just to simply breakdown access to data.
We are keen to avoid users requesting stale data that they have already seen but we don't want to be capturing every single access request and managing it to the extent described.
Again please go to the manager portal to look at the different service tiers for accessing premium content on our platform. Each tier has a minimum payment amount and once the members balance has reached that amount they can access content at that tier. Once a tier has been reached, any top up payments to that balance are allocated to that tier unless it then exceeds a higher tier - at that point, all credits are allocated to the higher tier. This means a user buying a higher tier can top up with small amounts allocated to a higher tier.
It makes sense to accept payments in cryptocurrency because it is more secure, cuts out merchant accounts, and we can adopt certain blockchains to cut out payment processors in the future if required. For this reason we are currently using Coinbase as our payment gateway whereby users can make a payment Anne supply an e-mail address linked to our account. Coinbase notifiers of a payments and this ends up funnelling into your member balance to provide credits.
We also monitor Coinbase to try and identify payments that may not have made it to us through their notification mechanisms. You can access the payments option from here My Manager (cryptostatto.com) . When you Click to pay you'll be taken to a new web page which is on the Coinbase Commerce platform. Always check the padlock and that you are on the correct website.
We set up multiple price tiers on Coinbase, and they may reject a payment if it does not meet that minimum threshold. For this reason, please pay the right amount where possible.
Most within the cryptocurrency space will know there is a lag between when a blockchain confirms a payment, and the time taken to get allocated to the respective cryptocurrency accounts. In addition, there is a lag in terms of it reaching your member balance our end.
For this reason, always pay slightly ahead of time to avoid disruption to your service. Always contact us if you have an issue or concern.
Written with StackEdit.